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Source:Hangzhou Weekly
By Ye Jianliang
Smile of a boy called Binbin
Binbin's house, a two-storey cottage made of rocks, is right at the far end of the village, still a few steps away when you walk to the end of the only cement road in the village.
Built in 1979, this house is not uncommon to those seen in Lingxiashu Village, Huaqiao Town, Sanmen County. However, not a many people still live in a cottage like this in nowadays.
The whole family was more than happy to expect the birth of Binbin two years ago. However, his grandfather was depressed to tears at the first sight of the baby. His mother even started to wonder if they should keep this baby.
This was all due to the defect Binbin born with, cleft lip and palate. For his family, a medical treatment of over 10,000 yuan is a huge financial gap that they could never overcome. Though the annual joint income of Binbin's parents was over 10,000 yuan, it is only enough to make ends meet. Binbin was not able to be breast fed due to his disfigurement, as a result, the formula milk powder alone would cost around 500 yuan a month.
Binbin's case isn't uncommon
Cleft lip and palate is the most frequent congenital defect in China. According to an incomplete statistics, the incidence is about 1%。 - 1.3%。 in Zhejiang Province. Like other babies, these less fortunate children were angels coming to the world; however, they stumbled on their way. In order to provide assistance, some organizations are trying their best to offer free medical treatment.
The parents of these children are also looking for the opportunities. When Binbin was six months old, his parents did get an offer. However, on their way to the hospital, Binbin caught a cold in a heavy shower. Later on, they had two opportunities, but they were not lucky. First, Binbin was found suffering anemia before the surgery. Then, they were told in the doctor's to come next time as Binbin were running nose that day. It is a rule that children with cleft lips and palate are not suitable for a surgery when their physiques are not in good status.
New hope for Binbin
Binbin's parents are also working on an alternative plan. They worked hard to save money so that Binbin might have a partial surgery first. The final result can be achieved step by step.
However, saving money requires the cooperation of the season, as both of them are working in a local winter clothes manufactory. They are only able to work overtime to earn some extra money in winter when the work load gets heavy.
Unfortunately, every time when they have saved up over 2,000 yuan and took Binbin to the hospital, Binbin would fell in sick all of a sudden. Most of the time, it was caused by the infections in throat. Cold air would go directly to the throat for children with cleft lip and palate. The money saved was all spent on the antibiotics instead. Now there is a new hope for Binbin.
Not long ago, Li Yapeng, a well-known TV actor, announced that he would offer financial assistance to every child found in Zhejiang Province suffering from cleft lip and palate. As the co-founder of China's Red Cross Angel Fund, Li and his most famed wife Wang Fei, a popular singer, tried their best to collect donations and raise awareness of cleft lip and palate so as to assist more children to get medical treatment. The baby girl of the famous couple was also born with cleft lip and palate.
Project Angel is seeking for
more children like Binbin
Project Angel has been launched in Zhejiang Province with joint efforts of China Red Cross Angel Fund, Hangzhou Smile Action Charity Hospital, Zhejiang TV Entertainment Channel and City Express Newspaper since July 24th. Children born with cleft lip and palate in Zhejiang Province are able to receive free medical treatment in Hangzhou Smile Action Charity Hospital.
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